Volunteer Spotlight with Daphnie Neal
Volunteer Spotlight with Daphnie Neal
Happy National Volunteer Month! Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Daphnie Neal. She’s pursuing her Master’s degree in Library Science at Kent State University. Her hopes are set on becoming a Librarian. She’s got a head start - currently, she’s the public services assistant at the Akron Public Library. Daphnie says one of her goals is to develop programming for older adults who cannot travel to library locations.
“I started working at the library when I was sixteen - I fell in love with the atmosphere, pace of work, and the people.”
We’ve known Daphnie since 2017 - that’s when she began volunteering for our organization. We think she’s pretty incredible (you’ll find out why soon, keep reading)! Learn more about her and the passion she has for the elderly population in the Q&A below.
Absolute: People choose to volunteer for various reasons, why are you a hospice volunteer?
Daphne: I love the elderly population, I’ve known that for a long time. I chose to become a hospice volunteer because I wanted to connect with seniors in a more meaningful way. Volunteering for hospice allows one to do that and have a positive impact on someone else’s life. Plus, my patients have impacted my life positively. It’s a beautiful exchange, and it makes me happy.
A: Describe what a patient visit looks like for you? How do you spend your time?
D: For me, it depends on the patient, but usually, I like to read to them or play the music they love. When my patients are verbal, I listen to them and ask them about their life, what they enjoyed. Then, I try to incorporate their likes and interests in my visits. A patient I had last year was verbal at first but slowly started to decline. Those early visits helped me learn her interests before she became nonverbal. Our time together was still meaningful to us both.
A: Being a volunteer anywhere makes a huge difference in this world. What would you say the biggest difference is for you?
D: I’ve volunteered with other organizations, and volunteering does make a big difference – no doubt. But, being a hospice volunteer makes all the difference because of the deep connection you develop. You can really bring a positive impact on someone’s life, especially towards the end of their life, and show them that people still do care.
“Being a hospice volunteer makes all the difference because of the deep connection you develop. ”
A: What would you say to anyone considering, but is still unsure about volunteering in hospice?
D: I would say do it. I especially encourage anyone who is young to volunteer in hospice, because the experience is truly invaluable. The lessons I’ve learned have taught me about myself - I have become a better person because of the interactions with my patients. I know I’ve impacted them, but their impact on me is even more profound.
A: Thank you Daphnie! For fun - indulge us with a few more rapid-fire questions. If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
D: As outlandish as it sounds, I wish I had the superpower to bring world peace!
A: Favorite Netflix guilty pleasure?
D: My boyfriend and I just finished the third season Ozark. It stars Jason Bateman, and it’s was really good. Check it out!
A: What currently on your bookshelf?
D: I’m reading The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Brandon. During the quarantine, I’m trying to work on myself as much as possible - and I think it’s been pretty insightful.
Thank you Daphnie, for a spectacular interview - we had fun spotlighting you for Volunteer Week! We appreciate what you do, and your passion for our Absolute Hospice patients.
Due to COVID-19, volunteers are not actively visiting patients. However, we are actively recruiting volunteers. If you’re interested in becoming a hospice hero, contact us. Complete the volunteer interest form below (click the photo.)