Have an Important Conversation. Make a Decision.
photo courtesy of The Conversation Project
It’s Healthcare Decisions Day.
What do you consider to be a good end to the life you’ve lived?
What affairs do you need to get in order?
Who do you want to be involved in your care?
No matter what your age is, having forth-right conversations can help you and your loved ones process end-of-life matters with more clarity and confidence. In a 2018 study conducted by The Conversation Project, 92% of people say that talking with their loved ones about end-of-life care is important, while only 32% have done so. So what’s keeping us from breaching the topic?
We’re uncomfortable.
Talking about the end makes us feel sad, and perhaps helpless, anxious and fearful. While those feelings may occur, having a crucial conversation about the end can actually bring a sense of control and calm, so that when an important life-event does occur, there’s a decided course to take.
Diane Sawyer with ABC World News on why having important conversations matter, to all of us at any age.