To Our Frontline Clinicians, From Office Manager, Barb Lyle
Artist: Kimothy Joy
A letter from our office manager, Barb Lyle - to our beloved frontline teams!
Courageous Team,
You are extraordinary. I’ve been thinking about you all nonstop and praying for you daily. I’m in awe of your fortitude these last couple of weeks. You’ve put your own life aside to serve others – to take care of our patients who are very, very ill. You consistently put your concerns and your fears on the back burner. You’re there for our patients when their families cannot be – when they’re not allowed to be. It warms my heart to hear the stories of you holding up phones so patients can see their loved ones before their dying breath.
What you’re doing, the service you’re providing is invaluable – and we see it. You perform your duties with such care, and then you get up and do it again the next day with new patients and new families.
You amaze me.
All of you. Are. Amazing.The days ahead may be bleak, but your positivity, courage, and teamwork light our paths. Thank you for what you do. It’s my distinct pleasure to work alongside you.
With Love,
Barb Lyle